Wabash - Irrigation Systems

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Irrigation Systems


Wabash Transformer excels in designing and manufacturing Transformers with quality achieved by Standards and Certified Processes to meet demand over a wide range of Industrial applications.

Listed below are few Industries where Wabash Transformer's products find themselves useful and applied in small, medium and high production runs.


  • Irrigation Systems
  • The landscape and grass covered areas need maintenance and attention. The regular used areas like golf courses require special care, which include scheduled watering. And for this sprinkler system is required. This system consist, number of sprinklers and piping controlled from a single or remote location.

    Wabash Transformer design transformers for these control systems. Our transformers work perfect with these systems. Our expertise can design to meet your any stringent requirement at a cost that make your system cost effective.

    Wabash Transformer invests in our information technology systems. We repeatedly deliver lower transactional costs via electronic data interchange (EDI) , leveraging customer online ordering portals, utilizing technology to share design requirements along with sharing forecasting and planning information to provide risk-free, proactive service to this seasonal industry.


    • Off the shelf items available to ship within three days.
    • Comprehensive design engineering assistance.
    • High performance and product reliability to meet design objectives.
    • 100% quality tested prior to shipping.


    • Standard items are UL/cUL and some CE listed
    • Flexible supply chain to meet your short, mid and long term requirements
    • Work perfect in dusty environments
    • Suitable voltage for your Irrigation Systems.
    • Longer Life and Better efficiency
    • Cost effective & Reliable
    • Popular mounting styles, ranging from Printed Circuit Mount, brackets and/or frames.
    • Different types of termination available
    • Value added options available
    • Custom designed solution to address particular need
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